Friday, December 18, 2009

Talk about being neglegent!?!

So...I obviously have not made any posts since oh, July. But hey, this is just for me (judging by the 0 comments) so what's the harm. I have been in the rut of wake up, go to work, work out, go home, cook dinner, go to bed. Repeat until you have not life. At least I get to see my husby when I get home, but needless to say I'm in desperate need of a vacay.

The Christmas break is upon us at my home. With the hubs being a teacher it works out that he starts his time off before me. I'm hoping that means dinner waiting for me the few days I work next week. But I'm sure I'll come home to video gamming and a "What's for dinner?" look.

I love that man and I love cooking for him, but there are the occasional times that I would love to come home to a dinner plan. Not even the dinner, just the plan. OH now that would be so HOT.

But I'm looking forward to spending quality time with my husby over the holidays as this is our first Christmas as a married couple and sans family. We will be seeing them (some of them anyway) after the holiday. So here's to us and our first long session of time alone. Whatever will we do with ourselves.
picture snagged from jenny at myfavoriteandmybest. (check her out she is AWESOME!)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We All Have to Start Somewhere...

Well, I guess I finally am biting the bullet and starting a blog. I feel like I have been stalking enough of them that I should probably start my own. Well, my goal is to have a place for my random thoughts on becoming a brand new wife (that's still weird to say), things that inspire me and just good ol' fun times. I don't know if anyone will ever read this, but at the very least it's an outlet for my quirky thoughts. Again, we all have to start somewhere and this is my somewhere. (Hopefully it's over a rainbow)